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The Second Gallery
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Paris;September-October 1887

Japonaseries: The period in which Vincent painted in the traditional Japanese fashion is brief, but nonetheless extremely interesting. "Japonisme" was an influence that was particularly popular in the mid to late 19th century. Vincent was intrigued by the Japanese prints available to him at the time and wrote to Theo:

"My studio is not so bad, especially as I have pinned a lot of little Japanese prints on the wall, which amuse me very much."

In fact, there are only three surviving examples of Vincent's Japonaiseries, however, their inclusion at such a pivotal point in Vincent's artistic evolution suggest that they commanded an important influence on his changing style.

Japonaiserie:The Flowering Plum Tree
Paris;September-October 1887

Japonaiserie: Bridge in the Rain
Paris; September-October 1887

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